

Kroon Gallery

At Kroon Gallery our mission is simple:

We search the world for unique pieces of contemporary art across all disciplines and bring them together for expositions in unique places, where people can discover them unforced and even unexpectedly.

Our way is to: surprise, intrigue and seduce. You may often wonder into a Kroon Gallery without even knowing it at first, simply discovering an abundance of wonderful art around you, allowing you to experience the works, unfiltered by expectations or reputation. Simply a pure interpretation of art. If you discover something you love in our collections, the fact that it is often actually available for purchase, is like a cherry on top of an already great experience. Our professional team ensures that the entire experience of logistics and placement in the place of your choice (anywhere in the world) is smooth and easy.

Viva votre palais!

Contact: Florian Rooz for details on our collections: + 31 (0) 6 407 85 739

Main 24/7 showroom: Kruisherengang 19-23, Maastricht, NL

Expect us in the places of beauty of the world! Bringing the love of art into your life!

Kroon Gallery

Amsteldijk 47HS

1074 HW


Tel: +31 (0) 6 407 85 739


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